DH & I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary Sept. 25 (we were in Dakar for a conference and to visit our kids, hence the belated post). Yay for us! We took the kids out to dinner and also invited the Ericksons, who met & married the same year we did (also joined the mission with us, Bill & Jim in '79, Becky & I in '82). I gave a corny little tribute to each of my kids. I know wedding anniversaries are about the parents, but face it, if we hadn't gotten married they wouldn't be here, and they have been (and continue to be) a major highlight of our lives for the past quarter-century!
I read a piece recently called "Married Today, Gone Tomorrow" by Janice Shaw Crouse which makes me even more thankful to the Lord for the longevity of our marriage. According to statistics, "If you married before 1950, the chances are your marriage lasted at least 15 years, probably 25 and likely even longer. If you married after 1980, however, your prospects are not as rosy. In fact, you are less likely than at any time since World War II to celebrate a Silver wedding anniversary — 25 years of marriage." [Go here to read the whole article: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/JaniceShawCrouse/2007/09/27/
This was published 2 days after DH & I celebrated our Silver Anniversary. By the grace of God or downright stubbornness (probably both!) we are still together and enjoy each other's company. Our 'nest' is empty (most of the time!) as the youngest of 4 children went away to school this fall, and we have been pleasantly surprised to find we still have things to talk about other than the kids!
So to continue the celebration of our Anniversary, I would like to include here a tribute to other couples whose marriages have, by that same grace of God & personal stubbornness, stood the test of time since 1980 (I've included a few married in the 70's as well since we are all essentially part of the same generation). If you're our friend and I missed you, let me know, and I'll include you in a later post!
[Alphabetical by first name]
Arlene & Dave R. 70's
Barb & Charlie R. '81?
Barb & Lee H. '70's
Bev & Court B. '82
Bill & Becky E. '82
Bud & Barb S. '70's
Chris & Karen P. '70's
Chuck & Becky K. '81
Chuck & Debbie B. '76
Colleen & Yudi B. '72
Dan & Audrey S. '81
David & Sharon F. '70's
Dee & Patty B. '70's
Dianne & Andy S. '79?
Eben & Sue C. '70's
Founeke & Ane D. '70's
Gene & Dawn M. '76?
Greg & Heather S. '74-ish?
Jeanie & Larry M. '81
Jim & Barb R. '70's
Larry & Stephanie K.
Martin & Luzia M.
Moise & Rebecca D.
Narci & Glenn H. '79
Paul & Kitty T. '78?
Randy & Anita T.
Ray & Deb H.
Rick & Carol R. '70's
Rita & Ron F.
Sandy & Gary G. '78?
Tad & Jane H.
Tom & Ruth H. '70's
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